I was introduced to Edmodo in one of the teaching and learning workshops that I attended. Approximately 3 years ago. Since then I am an active user of Edmodo. It helps me to administer my classes, know my students better, arrange quizzes and class activities with just a click. Edmodo can also be downloaded into your smartphones. You can find the application in Google Play.

I find that it is very easy to communicate with my students, to entertain their questions and also to mark their tutorials. I like it better when they submit their tutorials through Edmodo because then I can have access to it whenever I want to. I will instruct them to type their tutorials in Word format and then send it through Edmodo by attaching the file.

And also, when it comes to keeping the tutorials submitted neatly on my desk, well you can ask Mr H about it, hahaha. I am not an organized person and my biggest fear is to lose the tutorials that the students had submitted, oh my!

The front page of Edmodo.

If you feel that this is relevant to you. you can register yourself for free. Just go to this official website of Edmodo. Remember to register as a Teacher.

Click here to register Edmodo.

Once you are a registered user, you can get your students to register the accounts for free too. They have to register as a student. It doesn't matter if you have students from different classes. Edmodo will help you to organize them. This is why I love Edmodo so much.

Login with your email (this is usually the login name) and your password that you had created.

You can see here that I have more than 5 classes at once, but I can track all of them. I can also make friends with teachers from around the globe. We share our experiences and also help each other by giving ideas of what to do in classes. 

I think since I had known Edmodo, I had conducted all my quizzes online. It is very easy because the students get to know their marks immediately and they also will know the correct answers after they know their marks. I can also schedule the quizzes so that the students can choose to answer during their free time. 

Sometimes I read about something online that is really interesting that I want to share them with my students. All I have to do is copy the link and paste it to the classes browser in Edmodo and it will be shared immediately with all the students. You can be anywhere in the world, all you need is the internet connection. You also don't have to restrict yourself to the 8 to 5 timetable anymore. Like what they said, a teacher's job is a never ending story, hahaha.

I will share with you on how to conduct the quizzes online soon. Trust me, after you have try this application, you will see that you are more creative in teaching, always exploring new ways to attract the students.