A Poem to My Captain

There are so many things I wanted to say,
But every time I see you my mind is in nay,
I would never be me if it is not because of you,
This girl was once so broken that she was always in the blue.

You walked into my life and promised a change,
Tried everything you can to bring me out of derange,
You taught me things in life happen for a reason,
Keeping the anger inside is just like drinking poison. 

One day you proposed and asked my hand for marriage, 
I could not give the answer 'cause I have lots of baggage, 
But you persisted and advised for me to let go, 
Give myself a second chance and let's see what will follow. 

Fast forward to now it has already been five years, 
I have to admit not everything is for cheers, 
We have the normal fights and argue everyday, 
But it brings us closer and be what we are today. 

For all we had achieved the credit is on you, 
There is no one I want better to be captain of the crew, 
I am hoping that this love will flower till eternity, 
Because there is where I want to live in peace and harmony.